i have seen people saying
that i wish i was tall enough i want to
have a good height what if i was
slightly taller than what i am now these
are common thoughts that come to mind
especially in teenagers because
good height gives you confident
personality and good stretcher so
how to increase our height so let me
walk you through some very interesting
set of asanas which can help you get
taller these asanas will not only help
you to increase your height but will
also correct your posture and body
alignment number one talasan so
understand how to do keep one foot
distance between both your feet both
legs should be parallel to each other
your hands on the side stand straight
gently raise slowly slowly the heels up
parallel to that lift both the hands
from front
above the head keep a stretched posture
stay there for 30 seconds and then
rolling your hands backwards turning
them bring them down repeat this three
times this is a full body stretch asana
this will give a good stretch to your
muscles and elongate straighten up the
spinal cord it also corrects the minor
deformities of your spine it also
stimulates the growth hormones which is
responsible for your height so this is
an excellent asana for young adults in
their puberty growth spots second
bhujangasa lie down on your stomach keep
your palms in line with your chest keep
the legs straight and down lift the head
neck and chest up hold it for 15 seconds
and then gently come back to the
starting position while lifting your
head up you should breathe in completely
and while coming back you breathe out
completely this backward bending asana
will reduce and tone the back and
stomach muscles this reduces the strain
on the spine giving a good stretcher to
the body making you look taller and lean
paschimothanasana sit on the mat with
legs stretched out lift your hands up
bend forward and try to touch your toes
hold the position for 30 seconds to one
minute and now slowly come back repeat
it three times
this pose gives a good stretch to your
hamstring and spine
it releases the strain in between the
vertebrae thus improving the height
parvatasana sit
in sukhasana and focus at the point in
front of you now place your palms
besides your body palm facing upwards
now inhale and bring your both arms above your head and stretch
yourself upwards hold it for 30 seconds
and come back slowly to the starting
those who can't sit in meditative pose
they should do with half padmasan pose
so stretch your legs hold your right leg
and bring it to the left thigh
and fold the other leg in this position
do the parvatasa and
after doing one round of parvatasana
then change the lengths change the left
leg and bring it to the right thigh so
this is how you are supposed to do both
ways and do parvatasana when you are
stretching your spine up repeat this for
three times this is one of the most
effective asana to gain good height this
particular asana stimulates pituitary
glands a gland responsible for the
secretion of our growth hormone fifth
is a set
of asanas which stimulates and activates
the muscles from head to toe
it elongates your spine reduces excess
fat tones the muscles and stimulates
different hormones of our body this
should never be escaped from your
routine the sequence of postures which
we are using in surya in our scar are
leg posture
posture 4
ashwa sanchalan asan equestrian posture
posture 5
shwanasan downward dog pose posture 6
ashtangan namaskar knee chest chin pose
posture seven urdhwa mukh svanasan
upward dog posture posture eight adomuk
svanasana downward dog posture
posture nine ashwasan chalan asan
equestrian posture posture 10 hasta
padhasana hand to leg posture posture 11
palm tree pose
and posture 12 sid prathmasa that is
standing prayer pose practice these
asanas regularly
and you will find considerable change in
your height all the asanas which i have
spoken have multiple benefits it takes
care of your growth spurts it slows down
the degeneration of bones it releases
muscle stress it releases tension in
spine it brings strength to muscles
anyway those who desire for height
growth keep this in mind that you accept
yourself and love yourself as you are
height and weight are just external
which you can manage with right exercise
and right lifestyle do not let your mind
get affected because of your shorter
height from weight loss to height gain
yoga asanas are for all keep practicing
these asanas bring a right attitude
along with the asanas
and grow well.
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